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Welcome to Fair Fettle

A directory of companies advocating for women's health and empowerment

Meet Fair Fettle

Community Company Hub 

We provide easy access to female-focused health services, advice and information to empower women.

Whether you're looking for help with reproductive health, mental health, or general wellness, we'll make it easy for you to start your journey.


With Fair Fettle, you can explore a database packed with a variety of companies focused on women's health, including free support, paid-for services, innovative products, empowering research and uplifting networks.


Take control of your health, career and life, or simply use as a directory.

woman looking at computer with health in

Grow Our Community

Recommend a Company 

Thank you for getting involved.
Fair Fettle will review and verify before adding to the database. 

Submitting this form recommends a company you wish to be added to the database.

Fair Fettle will review the information and get in touch via email if we have any questions. 
We will verify each entry as much as possible, should you see an error please email us. 

Why we exist 

Find the best health resources

One place for easy access

Empower women 

Create a community

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